Joe Hall


I took a left this time, I didn't even know

I was looking at Megatornadoes ripping off a scab

Of soil--What allowed it was my

Stillness, his grizzled, bony face and sulfurous rain--See

The way she works it, up on the garden wire

The wild turkey creeping, eating

Some rocks, she leaned in, I could smell her

Something fleeing through the woods, leaving the road

Suspecting Nazareth was somewhere

In the burning slag squeezing its titties together, in bogs of

Red algae, drifting rivers of cold mud carrying

Gravel and branches, sitting on my porch

Taking pot shots at squirrels and birds, I found your icon

In the rotten chest, it was plastic but like pearly wax

A candle burning in a basilica of ice, I decided

To descend into the ravine rather than climb

The stones, the cacti huddled under their own weight

Like great rancid signposts or inverted

Nooses of thorns, even a green brain unwinding itself

In the indeterminacies of opening

Fissures, vast stony rents, fulminating

Towers of smoke coming, coming oh shit

I stood at the top of four water slides with my inner-tube

Gulls screaming circles around it like

It was a trash barge, the whale corpse drifting overhead

With a stillborn sun between its gray lip meat

My feet splitting, my cheeks splitting when I reached

The bottom, began to dig, just

Slipped my fingers in there, stroking

Some dead from some dead, her dogs

On fire, grandma on fire, her: on fire--Dig dig

Dig, the world hemorrhages, mummies of fascists

Take turns sodomizing the zombies of popes

While acidifying sea water fills Vatican treasure houses

Silver organs pulse in a clear, viscous jellyfish hood

Beneath the crystal atmosphere of a derelict iceberg--I dig

Though its night, I see because the hills burn

And I smell water, Lord, give it up

For the band, up to my shoulders in sand

I call that last number mo-pocalypse

I've ruined my pants

And even the fires in the hills die

Breathing in scorched air
